Here's the results. First, let me give you the overall results in a pie chart. Scroll down to the bottom of my post for my suggested policy conclusions.
Incidentally, these are all graphed using iPython Notebook and Pylab, which is awesome way to do one-off graphs. Here's the code for that graph:
%matplotlib inline
import psycopg2
from pylab import *
conn=psycopg2.connect('dbname=sfpug host=')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("""SELECT att, count(*) as members
FROM ndasurvey GROUP BY att ORDER BY att""");
labels = []
fracs = []
explode = []
for rec in cur:
figure(1, figsize=(6,6))
pie(fracs, explode=explode, labels=labels,
autopct='%1.0f%%', shadow=True, startangle=90)
title('Attitudes Towards Venue NDAs: Overall')
So overall we have a somewhat split distribution. BTW, here's the definitions of the attitudes:
- won't attend: I won't go to a meetup which requires signing
- needs review: I/my employer must review the agreement first
- depends on text: depends on what agreement says
- go anway: I don't like them, but I'll still go
- don't care: I don't care, whatever
So, East Bay attendees don't seem to care in general, and South Bay attendees are much more concerned about reviewing the text of the confidentiality statement. Which makes sense, if you think about it.
The other division we have is how frequent of an attendee someone is; is there a difference in attitude about our regulars? Apparently there is:
... so the "won't attend" group is also, generally, a group which doesn't regularly go to SFPUG meetups. What does this tell us for a policy for SFPUG?
Well, the 5 options actually fall into three broader groups: those who will go regardless, those who need to see the text of the agreement, and those who won't go. What if we group it that way?
So from the look of things, 83% of SFPUG will go to a meetup with an confidentiality agreement, provided that they get to review it first. This suggests that a good policy for SFPUG should be:
"Venues which require confidentiality agreements are acceptable, if not preferred, provided that the text of the agreement is disclosed to the group beforehand."
It also suggests that I and the other leaders should be dilligent in finding out about such agreements whenever booking a venue.
Oh, and for full data, here's the population breakdown of the above:
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